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Configuring OE Web Servers : Configuring and managing OE Web Servers : Installing a REST Management Agent into a Java AdminServer

Installing a REST Management Agent into a Java AdminServer

As part of the OpenEdge installation, REST Management Agent is installed in the OpenEdge installation directory, OpenEdge-install-dir\servlets\rest.
Note: You need not perform the following steps if you are using the Java AdminServer installed with the Apache Tomcat shipped with OpenEdge installation as Tomcat already has the OE Web Server installed.
To start working with OE Web Server and REST Web Applications, you must configure your Web Server to install the REST Management Agent in the Java AdminServer associated with the Web Server. To configure your Web Server:
1. Copy the REST Management Agent, oerm.war, from the directory, OpenEdge-install-dir/servlets/rest, to the Web Server deployment directory.
For example, if you are using a Tomcat Web Server, you copy oerm.war to the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps directory.
Note: If you are using Tomcat Web Server you can also deploy oerm.war using the Tomcat manager. For more information, see the Tomcat manager documentation.
Note: If the Web Server is already running, you may need to restart the Web Server for the new configuration settings to take effect. New applications are normally picked up automatically by the Tomcat Web Server.
You can query the OE Web Server Web application by browsing to the URL http://host-name:port-number/oerm/index.html to check whether the REST Management Agent has been correctly installed and configured. For instance, if you are using the Tomcat server and you are using the default ports, you can browse the URL http://localhost:8080/oerm/index.html.