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Configuring AppServers and AppServer Internet Adapters : AppServer Internet Adapter configuration and administration : AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA) properties : AIA Logging Setting properties
AIA Logging Setting properties
Table 70. AIA Logging Setting properties
Log filename
The AIA log filename. Enter a valid path name.
The installed default is @{WorkPath}\Aia1\aia.log
Logging level
A value that specifies the amount of information to be written to the AIA log. Select from the following values in the drop-down list:
*None — Log no entries. This is equivalent to turning logging off.
*Error Only — Log OpenEdge error messages. This includes all error messages and is unrelated to the entry types specified. Errors continue to be logged at all higher levels.
*Basic — Logging entry types determine the logged information. Each entry type generates at least some output. This is the default.
*Verbose — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Basic.
*Extended — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Verbose.
The default is Basic.
Append to log file
A check box that indicates whether or not a new server log file should be created when the AIA is started.
To create a new AIA log file each time the AIA is started, even if the AIA log file already exists, clear the Append to log file check box.
To append log entries to the existing AIA log file, select the Append to log file check box.
The Append to log file check box is selected by default.
Logging entry types
The AIA log entry type turns on logging for different AIA actions based on the logging level. The AIA log entry types provide the following information:
*AiaDefault — Combines AiaMgmt and AiaProp. This is the default entry type for the AIA component.
*AiaMgmt — Logs messages about regular AIA operations, such as AIA version information, instantiation, informational details, and information on the AIA connection pool according to the following logging level settings:
*Basic — Logs instantiation and informational messages
*Verbose — Logs the connection pool information
*Extended — Logs the same information as Verbose
*AiaProp — Logs the properties set for the specific AIA instance. These properties are set in the file. Information is logged at Basic and higher.
*AiaRqst — Logs information on the GET and POST commands sent by the client and the response back to the client. Information is logged at Basic and higher.
*AiaUBroker — Logs information on the communication between the AIA and the Unified Broker (AppServer or SonicMQ Adapter) according to the following Logging level settings:
*Basic — Provides most of the information
*Verbose — Logs a binary dump of messages exchanged between the client and the broker/server process
Log file threshold size
A value of 0 or a value between 500,000 and 2,147,483,647, where 0 means there is no limit on the log file size other than what the operating system imposes.
Maximum number of log files
The number of rolled-over log files to keep. The value can be 0 or a value between 2 and 999999, where 0 means there is no limit on the number of AIA log files to keep. The specified number represents the maximum total number of log files to keep on disk at any time, including the current log file being written to.
When the file becomes equal to or greater than the Log file threshold size, the client process renames it and creates a new log file. The file is renamed as follows, where ###### is a number starting at 000001 and increasing to 999999, after which it rolls back over to 000001:filename.######.extension