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OpenEdge Authentication Gateway Guide
Configuring the OpenEdge Authentication Gateway : Spring Security Configuration

Spring Security Configuration

The Authentication Gateway Spring Security implementation is configured in gateway_instance/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/sts-context.xml. It is a standard Spring Security XML configuration file that contains STS configuration details. (Note that the Authentication Gateway is an OpenEdge implementation of an STS.) Usually, you will only need to modify the STS configuration in this file if you choose to add a different authentication provider.
The following shows the section of sts-context.xml that specifies the default authentication providers:
<b:property name="authenticationProviders">
<b:entry key="ldap" value-ref="ldapAuthProvider"></b:entry>
<b:entry key="_oslocal" value-ref="OSLocalAuthProvider"></b:entry>
This section shows the default implementations for LDAP and oslocal logins. The domains configured in the domains.json file reference these authentication providers by name. Each provider is expected to implement the standard Spring IAuthenticationProvider interface.
The following is a brief description of each of the default authentication providers:
*ldapAuthProvider — Makes use of the standard spring LDAP authentication provider implementation and requires an LDAP server configuration.
*OSLocalAuthProvider — Performs authentication of login requests (a client-principal containing a user/password combination) for authentication by the local operating system.
For more information about Spring Security configuration, see the Spring Security documentation online.