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OpenEdge Authentication Gateway Guide
ABL constructs that support theOpenEdge Authentication Gateway

ABL constructs that support theOpenEdge Authentication Gateway

The following table summarizes the ABL constructs that have behavior specific to the OpenEdge Authentication Gateway and its implementation of a Security Token Service (STS). For more information on each, see OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference.
SET-DB-CLIENT function
When using an STS-enabled database, SET-DB-CLIENT does not check the user identity against the ABL session domain registry. In this case, the identity is always checked against the database’s own domain registry configuration.
SET-USER-ID function
When using an STS-enabled database, the _oeusertable authentication system is not required, and accounts do not have to be in the _User table.
AUDIT-EVENT-CONTEXT attribute of the Client-principal object handle
The value of AUDIT-EVENT-CONTEXT is stored in the _Event-detail field in the audit record.
LOGIN-STATE attribute of the Client-principal object handle
This attribute has five additional values to support STS: NO-LOGIN, NO-ACCESS, REVOKED, DISABLED, and LOCKED.
SEAL( ) method of the Client-principal object handle
After an STS-enabled database is connected to a given session, you cannot call the SEAL( ) method on the client principal with an encoded domain access code. After an STS-enabled database connection is made, you can only call SEAL( ) with a clear text domain access code.
VALIDATE-SEAL( ) method of the Client-principal object handle
VALIDATE-SEAL( ) generates an audit event when the method finds the client principal to be expired for the first time. When this happens, the method generates an audit event for a logout operation.
Progress.Security.PAMStatus class
To support STS authentication, five new properties have been added to this class: AccessDenied, AccessRevoked, AccountDisabled, LoginDenied, and LoginLockout.