The Unified Broker framework combines the functionality of all the command-line utilities with the ability to create, save modifications to, and delete individual WebSpeed Transaction Servers, NameServers, DataServers, AppServers, SonicMQ Adapters, and databases. You can also use the Unified Broker framework to configure WebSpeed Messengers, start additional WebSpeed agents, or trim back running WebSpeed agents.
The Unified Broker framework also includes OpenEdge Management/OpenEdge Explorer, either of which is a preferred method for performing most tasks involving the framework.
When you install WebSpeed, a sample WebSpeed Transaction Server (wsbroker1) and a sample NameServer (NS1) are installed automatically. You can administer each product instance through OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer. In addition, you can configure or modify all of the properties for a specific instance. You can also start, save, delete, check the status of, or stop a WebSpeed broker or NameServer instance.