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WebSpeed Essentials
Configuring WebSpeed : Configuring your Web server : Configuring virtual directories for the Apache Web server

Configuring virtual directories for the Apache Web server

You create a virtual directory for WebSpeed static files so that the Web server can find them. (The other alternative is to copy the static files to the Web server's Document Root directory.) You can think of a virtual directory as an alias for install_dir\webspeed, the directory where the Progress Dynamics install places the static files.
For the Apache Web server, edit (apache_install_dir/conf/httpd.conf) and create a webspeed alias for OpenEdge_install_dir/webspeed. The following example shows the entry:
Alias /webspeed/ "OpenEdge_install_dir/webspeed/"
<Directory "OpenEdge_install_dir/webspeed">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Note: The Apache Web Server must be restarted after you make configuration changes.