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Introducing the Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge Visual Designer
Creating the Sports Window : Overview


This chapter describes how to use the Visual Designer to build the Sports window, an implementation of an ABL MDI Form, to the sample application.
The Sports form is an example of an ABL MDI form. MDI (multiple document interface) means it can be a parent for a number of child forms. In the sample application, the Sports form is the parent of the Customer, Department, and Purchase Order forms.
The form, shown in the following figure, includes a menu strip containing common menus (File, Edit, View, Tools, Windows, Help) and a tool strip containing common command buttons (New, Open, Save, Print, Print Preview, and Help). Some of the menus and command buttons are pre-coded with event subscriptions and logic. The form also includes a status bar at the bottom.
Figure 15. The Sports form
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