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Multi-tenancy Overview
Introducing multi-tenancy : How does data access work? : Table types : Multi-tenant sequences
Multi-tenant sequences
The purpose of sequences is to provide a unique value, most often used as a value for a unique key on an index.
When working with multi-tenant databases, there are two types of sequences available:
*Shared global sequences — Shared sequences are non-multi-tenant sequences and existed prior to OpenEdge 11. Shared sequences are database-wide sequences. They provide one current value regardless of the tenant.
*Multi-tenant sequences — Multi-tenant sequences are sequences that also have a database wide definition, but which have current values that are maintained on a per-tenant basis. That is, each tenant has its own current value for each multi-tenant sequence.
A shared sequence is useful for shared tables, where all tenants can see the table, and for tenant groups, where multiple tenants each see the same records in one partition.
When exporting values for sequences, both regular and super tenants can export values for shared sequences. However, for multi-tenant sequences, a regular-tenant user can export sequence values only for the tenant to which the user belongs; a super-tenant user can export sequence values for any tenant.