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Migrating to OpenEdge 11.7
Migrating OpenEdge Business Process Management : Migrating from OpenEdge 11.6.x and earlier releases : Using the Data Migration Utility

Using the Data Migration Utility

Perform the following to migrate your data from OpenEdge 11.6.x and earlier releases to OpenEdge 11.7.
1. From $DLC/oebpm/server/migration (on UNIX) or %DLC%\oebpm\server\migration (on Windows), extract the OpenEdge BPM Data Migration Utility, file, to a new folder on the computer on which the OpenEdge latest release is installed.
2. Extract in the same folder.
3. Open the\bin folder of the migration utility and set the environment variables in the setenv.cmd/sh file.
Use the forward slash ('/') for specifying folder paths.
Property name
Expected value
Specify the location of the JRE/JDK installation folder.
Specify the Business Process Server (BP Server location)
Specify the version of the source Business Manager (BM)
The previous OpenEdge release 11.x.x version from which you want to migrate your data. For example, 11.5.
Specify the location of the migration tool
4. Open the\conf folder of the migration utility and set the environment variables in the file.
Property name
Expected value
Specify the OpenEdge Business Process Server versions.
The latest OpenEdge release version
Retain false if you want migration to discontinue if an error occurs.The default value is false.
false or true
Specify true if you want verbose logs during migration.
false or true
5. If you have any deployed applications in previous OpenEdge 11.x.x installation, then you must copy them to the corresponding OpenEdge latest release installation. To copy your installation application to OpenEdge latest release:
a. Open the SBM_HOME\ebmsapps folder of your previous OpenEdge 11.x.x installation. Copy all the application folders except Com, Common, OpenEdgeDDLOperationHandler and any other product shipped folders to the corresponding OpenEdge latest release installation, <drive>:\Progress\OpenEdge\oebpm\ebmsapps.
If you have defined your BPM application specific files and folders in the Common folder of your previous OpenEdge 11.x.x installation, you must copy these artifacts to your OpenEdge latest release installation in <drive>:\Progress\OpenEdge\oebpm\ebmsapps\Common.
b. Open the SBM_HOME\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\ebmsapps folder of your previous OpenEdge 11.x.x installation. Copy all the application folders except Com, Common, and OpenEdgeDDLOperationHandler to the corresponding OpenEdge latest release installation, <drive>:\Progress\OpenEdge\oebpm\jboss\webapps\deploy\sbm.war\ebmsapps.
Ensure that any of the Web application data is copied from <drive>:\progress\OpenEdge\oebpm\BPMWorkFlow folder to <drive>:\progress\OpenEdge\oebpm\BPMWebFlow.
6. If any application have rules, you must compile the application using the RuleCompiler utility, as below:
a. At the command prompt, type cd OEBPS_TARGET_HOME\bin, and then press ENTER.
b. At the <drive>:\OEBPS_TARGET_HOME\bin> prompt, type RuleCompiler -a AppName -blapi_lib -all, and then press ENTER.
7. Open the\bin folder of the migration utility and execute oebpsmigration.cmd/sh.
If the migration is unsuccessful, view the error message and troubleshoot accordingly. Optionally, you can also view the success/errors/warnings in the migration.log file in the directory OEBPS_HOME\logs.