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Installation and Configuration
Configuration : Working in the OpenEdge Environment on UNIX : UNIX environment variables

UNIX environment variables

This section describes the operating system-specific environment variables on a UNIX operating system.
For information about setting environment variables related to OpenEdge AppServer, OpenEdge WebSpeed, an OpenEdge DataServer, or the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ, see OpenEdge Application Server: Administration, OpenEdge Application Server: Developing WebSpeed Applications, the OpenEdge Data Server Guides (OpenEDge Data Management: DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server, OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Orcale).
After installation, OpenEdge requires little if any additional configuration. However, some environment variables can be customized. As needed, you can access these environment variables using the Proenv command-line utility.
Running the Proenv script sets DLC to this directory automatically. Proenv also adds $DLC/bin to your path and changes your current directory to the OpenEdge work directory you set during installation.
You can edit the .profile of a user to set up environment variables automatically each time the user logs onto the system. Also, be sure to export environment variables to make them available to child processes.
The following table describes the UNIX or Linux environment variables. These descriptions help determine the variables you want to set. Usage with the Bourne shell is given, but other shells use similar syntax.
Table 43. UNIX environment variables
Code example
The pathname of the directory where you installed the OpenEdge software. The default value is /usr/dlc. You must set this variable if you install the OpenEdge software in an alternate directory.
A list of the directories UNIX searches to find any commands that you provide. OpenEdge also searches these directories for UNIX commands or programs you name when using the INPUT THROUGH and OUTPUT THROUGH statements. These directories include:
*$DLC/bin in the PATH environment variable. To keep end users out of the /DLC directory, you can provide scripts to perform all OpenEdge-related actions. These scripts can reside somewhere else in the PATH and invoke OpenEdge commands with full pathnames. Place your startup, shutdown, and maintenance scripts somewhere in the path directories.
*$JAVAHOME/bin in the PATH environment variable. This value must be set to ensure that the installation can detect a java installation because the java executable is located in the $JAVAHOME/bin.
Note: If during installation you chose yes to copy scripts to /usr/bin, ensure that PATH is set to /usr/bin: PATH=:/usr/bin.
The filename (or full pathname) of your product's configuration file. The configuration file is a data file that identifies the OpenEdge product and components that you are licensed to use. The default value is $DLC/progress.cfg. Reset PROCFG if you have moved your configuration file from the directory where you installed OpenEdge.
PROCFG=$DLC/ products.cfg
The filename (or full pathname) of the OpenEdge convmap.cp file. The convmap.cp file is a binary file that contains all of the conversion tables that are available to OpenEdge. The default value is $DLC/convmap.cp. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for more information on the convmap.cp file.
PROCONV=$DLC/ convmap.cp
The pathname of your OpenEdge executable file. The default value is $DLC/bin/_progres. If you move _progres out of $DLC/bin, rename _progres, or use the OEBuild utility to generate a customized module; set PROEXE appropriately (or modify your scripts).
PROEXE=$DLC/ bin/_progres
The pathname of the directory where you installed the OEBUILD product, if you installed it. The default value is $DLC/oebuild. For example, if you installed OEBUILD in the directory /vol1/devdir/load, use the code example.
PROLOAD= /voll/devdir/load
The full pathname of your OpenEdge run-time messages file. The default value is $DLC/promsgs. For example, if you want to use the German run-time messages file, use the code example in your profile. You only set the PROMSGS environment variable if you want to use a run-time messages file different from the default PROMSGS file in the $DLC directory.
PROMSGS=$DLC/ prolang/ger/ promsgs.ger
Establishes the top-level directory for the Java Developer's Kit (JDK).
Note: When you first execute an OpenEdge command or utility that requires Java, OpenEdge correctly sets the Java environment variables based on your version of UNIX.
Establishes the top-level directory for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Establishes the top level directory for the Java Foundation Classes (JFC).
OpenEdge correctly sets the appropriate classpath variable based on the platform in use.
Sets the just-in-time compiler correctly.
Sets the Java Virtual Machine to run correctly.
A list of directories OpenEdge searches to find procedures.OpenEdge AppServer and OpenEdge WebSpeed use the PROPATH property in $DLC/properties/
Otherwise, by default, OpenEdge searches these subdirectories, using the order specified:
1. $DLC/tty
3. $DLC/bin
Use the following syntax to set the PROPATH environment variable:
[:] — Tells OpenEdge to search your working directory before searching any other directories
dir-name — Specifies the name of a directory that you want OpenEdge to search
env-var — Specifies the environment variable whose definition names one or more directories that you want to search
(:...) — Separates multiple dir-name or env-var
; — Ends the definition of the PROPATH environment variable and indicates the start of a new command.
The pathname of your executable PROSERVE file. The default value is $DLC/bin/_mprosrv. The PROSERVE script includes the code example. Therefore, if you move _mprosrv out of $DLC/bin, rename _mprosrv, or use the OEBuild utility to create a customized module, set PROSRV appropriately (or modify your proserve script).
The pathname of the OpenEdge default startup parameter file, This file is read by all OpenEdge modules at startup; it must exist for OpenEdge to execute properly.
The full pathname of the terminal definition file that you want your OpenEdge session to use. The default terminal definition file is called PROTERMCAP and is installed by default in the /$DLC directory. You only have to set the PROTERMCAP environment variable if you want to use a different terminal definition file from the default PROTERMCAP file.
The type of terminal you are using. For example, to define your terminal type as wy75, use the code example.
The full pathname of the working directory of your OpenEdge installation.
The full pathname of the directory where OpenEdge Management is installed.
The full pathname of the working directory of OpenEdge Management.
The pathname of your OpenEdge RDBMS utility executable file. The default value is $DLC/bin/_dbutil.
$DLC is an environment variable for the full pathname of the directory where OpenEdge is installed. You can run Proenv to automatically set DLC to this directory.
If you want to use a remote DataServer, you must set additional environment variables depending on the type of DataServer you want to use (for example, ORACLE). See the DataServer documentation for more information on the other variables set.
When you first execute an OpenEdge command or utility that requires Java, OpenEdge correctly sets the Java environment variables based on your UNIX platform.