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Installation and Configuration
Configuration : Managing OpenEdge Key and Certificate Stores : Managing key stores for OpenEdge servers : Establishing a trusted SSL server identity : Supplying a key store entry password to an OpenEdge server
Supplying a key store entry password to an OpenEdge server
When you configure an OpenEdge server to access a key store entry, you must provide it with the same password that you used to create the key store entry. If you configure the server using OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer, you can enter this password directly in the fields provided. However, if you configure the server by manually editing the file for that server or specifying the password on a command line or in a startup script (as required when starting a database server for the OpenEdge RDBMS), you must provide an encrypted value for the password. This will protect the password itself from being easily discovered. OpenEdge provides the genpassword command-line utility for obtaining a password's encrypted value. For more information, see Using genpassword to obtain a key store password-encrypted value.