Setting authentication option to access sub-processes administered by the AdminServer
You can further control the visibility and limit the operation of the sub-processes of the AdminServer by using –requireusername. If you enabled the –requireusername property by checking the Require a Username and Password check box while installing OpenEdge or edited the file to add the username and the password to the sub-process, the user is allowed to access the sub-processes of the AdminServer only if the user is authenticated using the file.
If you have set up –admingroup and start the AdminServer with –requireusername, the user must also belong to a group that is authorized to start the AdminServer.
For example, if Group1 and Group2 are specified in the AdminServer Authorization options, any of the users belonging to Group1 and Group2 can start the AdminServer. These groups can also be specified from the command line as follows: Proenv>proadsv –start –admingroup Group1,Group2 –requireusername
Asbroker can be accessed only if the users of Group1 and Group2 are provided from command line or in OEM or OEE configuration. Proenv>asbman –name asbroker1 –user user1 –password aBafaTafd
You can run OpenEdge-install-dir\bin\genpassword. This gives the user an obfuscated password that the user can enter into OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer.