Internal Code Page (-cpinternal)
The code page that OpenEdge uses in memory.
Stream Code Page (-cpstream)
The code page for stream I/O.
Case Code Page (-cpcase)
A case table in the convmap.cp file to use for uppercase/lowercase rules. Case rules are used by the CAPS and LC functions and by the ! formatting character.
Collation Code Page (-cpcoll)
A table in the convmap.cp file to use for collation rules.
Date Format (-d)
The format in which an application displays dates. Specify the format as a three-character string, comprised of the letters d, m, y, in the order that you display the date.
Language (-lng)
The initial value for the CURRENT-LANGUAGE function, which determines from which r-code segment OpenEdge reads character-string constants. Specify the language as a character string in quotes.
European Numeric Format (-E)
OpenEdge interprets and displays a comma as a decimal separator and a period as a thousands separator for numeric values.
Fractional Separator (-numdec)
Specifies the numeric value of the character that represents, in formatted text, a number's decimal point. The default decimal point is a period (.).
Thousands Separator (-numsep)
Specifies the numeric value of the character that represents, in formatted text, the thousands separator in numbers. The default thousands separator is a comma (,).