Install sequence
OpenEdge products are initially installed
The PROMSGS files associated with the languages selected by the user during the install process are installed to the OpenEdge-install-dir directory.
An OpenEdge add-on product is installed
Date stamp information in the header of the existing PROMSGS file in the OpenEdge-install-dir directory is compared with the date stamp information in the header of the add-on product's PROMSGS file.If the PROMSGS file's date is later than the add-on product's PROMSGS file's date, the file is already synchronized and no changes occur.If the PROMSGS file's date is earlier than the add-on product's PROMSGS file's date, the add-on PROMSGS file replaces the existing PROMSGS file.
OpenEdge products are re-installed to add a new product and a new PROMSGS file
These two comparisons and their associated activities occur:
If the re-installation process finds that a PROMSGS file exists, the existing PROMSGS file is not overwritten.
If, during the re-installation process, a new language is added, the PROMSGS file associated with that new language is installed into the OpenEdge-install-dir directory.
Another OpenEdge add-on product is installed
The date stamp information in the header of the existing PROMSGS file in the OpenEdge-install-dir directory is compared with the date stamp information in the header of the add-on product's PROMSGS file.If the PROMSGS file's date is later than the add-on product's PROMSGS file's date, the file is already synchronized and no changes occur.If the PROMSGS file's date is earlier than the add-on product's PROMSGS file's date, the add-on PROMSGS file replaces the existing PROMSGS file.
Installation step order
And the PROMSGS file is
Which contains this header date
A product such as OpenEdge Studio
Installed for American English
An add-on product
Updated for American English
A product such as Application Server
Installed for Spanish PROMSGS