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Installation and Configuration
Installation : OpenEdge Installation Prerequisites : Windows-specific installation considerations : Integrating OpenEdge with Windows Explorer : OpenEdge file types
OpenEdge file types
OpenEdge supports defined icons and shortcut menus for the following file types:
*Procedure source code file (.p)
*Window procedure source code file (.w)
*Include file (.i)
*Parameter file (.pf)
*Configuration file (.cfg)
*Database file (.db)
OpenEdge also supports specific property information for these file types:
*Compiled procedure code file (.r)
*Database file (.db)
This information is stored in the registry, separate from your OpenEdge settings.
If another application has already registered a file extension that OpenEdge uses, the Installation Utility asks if you want to overwrite the information for that file extension. If you choose no, OpenEdge does not display the icon, shortcut menu options, or properties information for that file type. If you choose yes, OpenEdge replaces the icon, shortcut menu options, or properties associated with the file extension with OpenEdge-specific information.
The shell integration DLL uses the DLC and, optionally, the PROMSGS environment variables to locate the PROMSGS file. The DLL searches these registry locations for the following variables:
The Installation Utility writes the proper values to the above registry locations. However, if after the installation you move OpenEdge to another location (or move or rename the PROMSGS file), you must edit the variables in the registry so that the shell integration DLL can find PROMSGS.