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Installation and Configuration
OpenEdge National Language Support : Contents of each directory

Contents of each directory

The prolang directory contains a subdirectory for each national language that you have chosen to install. Each language subdirectory can contain several files. The following table highlights and briefly describes the more important file types contained in a language subdirectory.
Table 129. National language file descriptions
An empty, language-specific OpenEdge directory containing databases of various block sizes. The database is initialized with an appropriate code page and collation for your language.
promsgs. lang 1
A translated OpenEdge-related run-time messages file.
lang .pf
A file containing the parameters used to start up OpenEdge with the appropriate settings for your region.For example, contains parameters associated with English-American (AME). Also, the file, which contains conventions used when your OpenEdge installation is started up, is located in this language subdirectory.
lang .df
A data definition file that can be loaded into an empty OpenEdge database to create a language-specific database. A database created by loading this file is identical to the empty database provided in this directory. You can use this file to create sort ordering variations in the database. For example, ame88591.df identifies an English-American (AME) data definition file.In the Asian directories, the file is named _tran.df.
A file containing the parameters used to start up OpenEdge with the appropriate regional settings. For example, the Japanese progress.ini contains Japanese font specifications.The progress.ini file is only installed in the language subdirectory that is identified as the default, or primary, language during the installation process. For information about establishing a language choice, see the "Language Choice" help topic in the Windows or UNIX online help.

1 The variable lang stands for the language-specific reference.