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Installation and Configuration
Configuration : Working in the OpenEdge Environment in Windows : Windows 64-bit : Application development and deployment : ABL Development
ABL Development
Application development, using OpenEdge development tools, requires the OpenEdge Windows 32-bit product suite. This must be installed on a separate machine, The graphical development products are not part of the Windows 64-bit product, and you can not install both the 32-bit and 64-bit OpenEdge Windows products of the same version on the same machine.
The general steps for development and deployment are:
1. Develop your ABL application in Windows 32-bit.
2. Compile the application on Windows 32-bit.
3. Copy the r-code to Windows 64-bit for deployment.
You are now ready to deploy your application.
Note: If you follow standard guidelines for r-code portability, r-code from a UNIX 64-bit platform can be deployed on Windows 64-bit.