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Installation and Configuration
Preinstallation Checklist for UNIX : Installation and working directories

Installation and working directories

*Accept the default destination directory location provided, /usr/dlc, or define another location: _________________________. Do not use the pathname where other versions of Progress or OpenEdge products are already installed on your system.
Note: Here dlc refers to the OpenEdge installation directory.
*Accept the default working directory location provided, /usr/wrk, in which your applications, databases, and log files will reside, or define another location: __________________________________. Do not make your working directory a subdirectory under the OpenEdge installation path.
For OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer:
*Accept the default installation directory location provided, /usr/oemgmt, or define another location: _________________________________________________. Do not use the pathname where other versions of Progress or OpenEdge products are already installed on your system.
*Accept the default working directory location provided, /usr/wrk_oemgmt, in which your OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer files will reside, or define another location: __________________________________________________________. Do not make your working directory a subdirectory under the OpenEdge installation path.
See OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer for more information.