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Introducing OpenEdge Platform : OpenEdge client-server process architecture : OpenEdge Servers

OpenEdge Servers

There are many types of server processes in an OpenEdge run-time environment. A typical OpenEdge installation comprises a number of components that represent several server processes at runtime. The following list below describes the default behavior of these processes.
*OpenEdge AdminServer: AdminServer is a process that is used to manage the startup of other server processes. It is also used to maintain the configuration of all other server processes. Use OpenEdge Explorer, a Web-based application of the AdminServer, to view, modify, and manage processes.
*OpenEdge AppServer Process: The AppServer process is a process that is used to execute ABL for the business logic or the business data part of an application. An AppServer consists of a broker process and one or more agent processes. The AppServer is used to service client requests from a number of different types of clients. The agent runs a specialized process that executes and compiles ABL called an ABL Virtual Machine (AVM).
*WebSpeed Transaction Server: The WebSpeed Transaction Server executes WebSpeed application code. It is used to service requests from HTML clients for dynamic Web pages. The WebSpeed Transaction Server’s agent is typically a client of an AppServer that provides the data for the Web pages. A WebSpeed Transaction Server consists of a broker process and one or more agent processes. The agent runs a specialized process that executes and compiles ABL called an ABL Virtual Machine (AVM).
*Database Server process: The Database Server process services requests by the business data part of the application for data and transaction control for an OpenEdge database. An OpenEdge Server consists of a broker and one or more servers.
*NameServer: A NameServer is a process that is used to look up and register processes at run time. It is typically started before a client can communicate with an AppServer, WebSpeed Transaction Server, or Database Server.
*DataServer process: A DataServer process enables an ABL client to access a foreign database (non-OpenEdge database).
*OpenEdge Adapter process: An OpenEdge Adapter process is used to pass service requests to the AppServer from non- ABL clients that cannot communicate directly with the AppServer.