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Database Essentials
Administrative Planning : Disk capacity : Disk storage : Understanding data storage
Understanding data storage
The following is a list of critical data stored on your system. Used in this context, the term "data" is a more inclusive term than one that defines simple application data. Critical data can include:
*Before-image files
*After-image files
*Key store (for database enabled for Transparent Data Encryption)
*Application files (ABL or SQL code, third-party applications)
*Temporary files
*Client files
Data also refers other possible data storage requirements, which can include:
*Backup copies of your databases
*Input or output files
*Development copies of your databases
*Test copies of your databases
Other critical elements stored on your disk include:
*Operating system
*Swap or paging files
*Your OpenEdge installation
If this information is already stored on your system, you know or you can determine the amount of data you are storing.
If you are putting together a new system, planning for these data storage elements can be a difficult task. You need to a complete understanding of the application and its potential hardware requirements. One of the first things you must know is how much data you intend to store in each table of your database, and which tables will grow and which are static. See the database storage calculations discussed in the Calculating database storage requirements.