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Database Essentials
Administrative Planning : Data layout : Calculating database storage requirements : Sample to estimate storage requirements
Sample to estimate storage requirements
The following example demonstrates how to estimate storage requirements. Consider a database with a single customer table with three fields:
*Cust-num — An integer field that is always three digits
*Name — A character field containing 12–30 characters, with an average of 21 characters
*Start-date — A date field
If the table is indexed on just one field (Name) and you expect to have about 500,000 records in the customer table, the following table lists formulas (and examples) for estimating storage requirements.
Table 14. Calculating database size
Database component
Field storage
Cust-num + Name + Start-date
= 3 + 21 + 3 
= 27
Customer table
= number of records x field storage x 1.5
= 500,000 x 27 x  1.5
= 20,250,000
Name index
number of records x (7 + number of fields in index + index field storage ) x  2 
= 500,000 x (7 + 1 + 21) x 2
= 29,000,000
These formulas are conservative and often result in a large estimate of your database size.