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Database Essentials
OpenEdge RDBMS : Relative- and absolute-path databases

Relative- and absolute-path databases

OpenEdge databases can be either relative-path or absolute-path:
*Relative-path databases — Relative-path databases are the simplest form of OpenEdge databases. Relative-path databases are made up of a minimum number of extents that are all stored in the same directory as the database control area. The control area contains relative paths to all the extents. A relative-path database is used in the following situations:
*When the database must be opened across a network for demonstration purposes
*When the database must be copied with OS tools, for example, when installing a demonstration database
*When the database is the master database to be associated with a new application
Use the PRODB utility to create a relative-path database from an empty database. If you use PROSTRCT with the LIST qualifier after creating the relative-path database, you will see a dot at the start of each extent name. The dot indicates a relative path.
Schema must be loaded into an empty relative-path database to make it useful. Any standard technique for loading schema, such as dump and load or PROCOPY, can be used. The database maintains its relative path as long as its structure is not changed. As soon as areas or extents are added, the database becomes an absolute-path database.
*Absolute-path databases — Absolute-path databases are used in most production situations. With an absolute-path database, extents associated with the database can be stored anywhere on your system. The control area contains absolute paths to each extent. Absolute-path databases should not be copied using your operating system tools; use PROBKUP and PROCOPY so that all underlying files are properly backed up or copied.