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Database Essentials
Database Administration : Safeguarding your data : Creating a complete backup and recovery strategy : How to label a backup
How to label a backup
Proper labeling of your backup media is essential. Every label should contain the following:
*The name of specific items stored on the tape. A tape labeled "nightly backup" has no meaning if you cannot cross reference the items contained in the nightly backup.
*The date and time when the tape was created. In situations where multiple tapes are made for one day, you must know which tape is more current.
*The name or the initials of the person who made the tape. This ensures accountability for the quality of the backup.
*Instructions to restore the tape. There should be detailed restore instructions archived with each tape. The instructions should be easy to follow and should include specific command information required to restore the backup.
*The volume number and total number of volumes in the complete backup set. Labels should always read "Volume n of n."