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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Security : SSL in OpenEdge : Managing SSL server identity : Using the default SSL server identity
Using the default SSL server identity
The default key and certificates installed with OpenEdge support an SSL server identity that is common to all OpenEdge installations. These are appropriate for use on an intranet where SSL server authentication is not required, but where you still want to maintain data privacy over protected connections with a minimum of management. In other words, the default server identity is an easy-to-use SSL solution. Its primary purpose is in demonstrations and development environments, but you can also use it in intranet situations. For intranet production purposes and for use on the Internet, Progress Software Corporation recommends that you use a public or private CA-issued server digital certificate.
To use the default server identity with any OpenEdge server, you need only configure it to use SSL. OpenEdge automatically uses the key store alias, "default_server", and the default password, "password", unless you specify otherwise.
You can also update the default_server entry with a new trusted CA server certificate, adding effective server authentication to your default intranet SSL environment. If you use the same default password, you do not need to change any default server configurations for this update.
Note: The default_server identity installed with OpenEdge expires in the year 2040 to minimize any concern with its valid lifetime.