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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Transparent Data Encryption : Configuring Transparent Data Encryption policies : OpenEdge SQL support for transparent data encryption : Using the CREATE INDEX statement
Using the CREATE INDEX statement
Use the CREATE TABLE statement with the optional ENCRYPT WITH clause to create an encrypted index. When using the ENCRYPT WITH clause, OpenEdge SQL creates a new object policy for the index in the database security schema. Encryption does not take place until database object blocks are written to disk in a later application transaction or through a separate utility. Note that the new index must be associated in the statement with a Type II storage area. To create an encrypted index, use the following syntax:
CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index_name
ON table_name
( { column_name [ ASC | DESC ] } [, ... ] )
[ AREA area_name ]
[ ENCRYPT WITH cipher]
[ PRO_DESCRIPTION value | PRO_ACTIVE {'N'|'n'} ];