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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Auditing : Developing an Audit-enabled OpenEdge Application : Audit-enabling your OpenEdge application : Implementing additional auditing options : Supporting user accounts outside of the _User table
Supporting user accounts outside of the _User table
If you do not want to support populating the _User table with all of your applications user accounts and authenticating the application as one of those users, you must change your database connection process to one of the following:
*If necessary, change your database connection process to one of the following:
*The blank user (with blank user access denied to all)
*A single default user account, which is used by all application connections, in the _User table
These user IDs can remain for the lifetime of the OpenEdge session or can be replaced by an external user account ID as soon as the connection is made.
*Refer to OpenEdge Getting Started: Identity Management for information about establishing an OpenEdge applications current user ID.