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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Auditing : Developing an Audit-enabled OpenEdge Application : Audit-enabling your OpenEdge application : Implementing additional auditing options : Setting up READ auditing
Setting up READ auditing
If your application auditing requires knowing when certain records are read and presented to a user, you must change your application to:
1. Define an application-defined READ audit event in the _aud-event table. (Choose an event equal to or greater than 32000.)
2. Define the data formats for the audit records context (indexed) and detail fields. The context field format can be used to index on and find records for reporting. It is recommended that you mimic the OpenEdge database event default field value recording, which streams the field values.
3. Add code to your application where the record read operations occur, and execute the LOG-AUDIT-EVENT method (for the AUDIT-CONTROL system handle) to record the application-defined event.
For more information about the method and handle, see OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference.
4. Create a .ad file to go with your applications deployment to load the _aud-event table definitions you have made into the production database instance.