Reporting on audit data with prefiltered and custom reports
As audit data accumulates in the auditing tables, you can generate audit reports about the data based on criteria you specify. There are two basic types of reports:
Prefiltered reports — Default reports organized by category. You can specify the date range you are interested in capturing in each report. (A list of the prefiltered reports appears at the end of this section.)
Custom filtered reports — Reports whose filter criteria, including date range, you establish.
To run these reports, you must have imported the preconfigured OpenEdge policies. For more information, see the Audit Policy Maintenance Help.
You can run the reports on all supported platforms. From Data Administration or the Data Dictionary, you can choose which report to run, select a specific date range, decide what kind of output you want (terminal, printer, XML file, or text file), and choose how you want the report contents to display (in detail or summary format). You can assign each report a name, and you can decide if you want to append a new report to an existing one. You can also determine whether the reports page length is fixed or continuous.
The following figure shows a report in detail orientation.
Figure 8. Detail orientation report output
The following figure shows a report in summary orientation.
Figure 9. Summary orientation report output
To choose the specific report you want to run, choose Database > Reports > Auditing Reports; then either select from one of the prefiltered report types listed or choose to generate your own custom audit data filter report. For the specific steps you follow, see the Data Administration Help.
The following table lists each of the prefiltered reports and describes the information the report contains.
Table 10. Prefiltered audit data reports
Report name
Track Audit Policy Changes
Reports on audit policy changes
Audit Policy Maintenance Events: record created, updated, or deleted