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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Transparent Data Encryption : OpenEdge Key Store : Key store maintenance : Key store reconstruct
Key store reconstruct
If you created a key store using a password-based encryption cipher for the database master key, you can reconstruct the key store in the event that the key store is deleted or corrupted. Key stores created with any other master key cipher cannot be reconstructed. The following example shows the reconstruction of a key store with a PBE passphrase:
proenv>proutil pbe_db -C epolicy manage keystore reconstruct
OpenEdge Release 10.2B1P as of Fri Nov 20 19:01:52 EST 2009
This command modifies encryption access control in the Key store file. After s
cessful completion of the command, the Keystore file must be backed-up. (15518
Enter PBE passphrase [required] :

Please Retype your Passphrase for Verification
Enter PBE passphrase [required] :

Enter administrator passphrase [required] :

Please Retype your Passphrase for Verification
Enter administrator passphrase [required] :

Key store Reconstruct Completed. (15516)
