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Core Business Services - Security and Auditing
Security : SSL in OpenEdge : Configuring and running SSL sessions : Configuring SSL client sessions
Configuring SSL client sessions
The following table describes the SSL session properties that you can set for an OpenEdge SSL client.
Table 3. OpenEdge client SSL session properties
Default setting
Use SSL to connect
Specifies if the client connection uses SSL tunneling.
Reuse a disconnected SSL session
Specifies if the connection reuses a previously established and disconnected SSL session when the client connects to an SSL server.
Verify the SSL server host name
Indicates if the client compares the host name of the SSL server with the Common Name specified in the server digital certificate, and raises an error if they do not match. If this property is set to No, the client never raises the error. This can be a useful setting if SSL server identity is likely to be moved from one physical machine to another and you do not want this to interfere with making the connection.
Certificate store location (Java Open Client only)1
Specifies the location of the root certificate store used by the client for SSL connections.

1 The certificate store for all OpenEdge-managed SSL clients, except the Java and .NET Open clients, is installed in the same location under the OpenEdge installation path for each OpenEdge SSL client. For Java Open Clients, there is no standard location for the certificate store, so you must manage it using the tools provided with the Open Client Toolkit and specify its location to configure Java Open Client SSL connections. For .NET Open Clients, you must locate and manage the certificate store as provided by the tools available with Microsoft .NET.

The following table describes the mechanisms for setting SSL session properties for OpenEdge SSL clients and indicates where you can find more information about them.
Table 4. Mechanisms for setting OpenEdge SSL client session properties
This SSL client component:
Relies on this mechanism:
To set its SSL properties as described in:
ABL database client
Startup and connection parameters
*OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference
*OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces
*OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference
ABL AppServer client
Connection parameters (for the Internet using the AIA or an intranet)
*OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications
*OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference
ABL client of industry Web services1
Connection parameters
*OpenEdge Development: Web Services
*OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference
ABL client of the SonicMQ BrokerConnect2
Connection parameters (for the Internet using the AIA or an intranet)
*OpenEdge Development: Messaging and ESB
*OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications (for URL formats and usage)
ABL socket client3
Connection parameters
*OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces
*OpenEdge Development: ABL Reference
.NET Open Clients of the AppServer
Connection parameters and run-time properties (for the Internet using the AIA or an intranet)
*OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming
*OpenEdge Development: .NET Open Clients
*OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications (for URL formats and usage)
Java Open Clients of the AppServer
Connection parameters and run-time properties (for the Internet using the AIA or an intranet)
*OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming
*OpenEdge Development: Java Open Clients
*OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications (for URL formats and usage)
JDBC or ODBC SQL database clients
Switches on the client connection string
*OpenEdge Data Management: SQL Development (sections on SQL-ABL interoperability)
AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA)
The Unified Broker framework
*OpenEdge Application Server: Administration
*OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help
Web Services Adapter (WSA)
The OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer properties editor for each Web service instance
*OpenEdge Application Server: Administration
*OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help
Sonic ESB Adapter
Sonic ESB tools for managing OpenEdge services
*OpenEdge Application Server: Administration
*Sonic ESB documentation
WebSpeed Messenger
The Unified Broker framework
*OpenEdge Application Server: Administration
*OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help

1 ABL code in WebClient applications can also perform any of these SSL client functions in a user-downloadable application environment. However, note that the WebClient does not support access to any OpenEdge relational data source, including the OpenEdge RDBMS. The WebClient relies on the AppServer for all access to OpenEdge relational data sources. OpenEdge provides separate support for securely downloading and updating the WebClient and its application code over the Internet or an intranet. For more information, see OpenEdge Deployment: WebClient Applications.

2 ABL code in WebClient applications can also perform any of these SSL client functions in a user-downloadable application environment. However, note that the WebClient does not support access to any OpenEdge relational data source, including the OpenEdge RDBMS. The WebClient relies on the AppServer for all access to OpenEdge relational data sources. OpenEdge provides separate support for securely downloading and updating the WebClient and its application code over the Internet or an intranet. For more information, see OpenEdge Deployment: WebClient Applications.

3 ABL code in WebClient applications can also perform any of these SSL client functions in a user-downloadable application environment. However, note that the WebClient does not support access to any OpenEdge relational data source, including the OpenEdge RDBMS. The WebClient relies on the AppServer for all access to OpenEdge relational data sources. OpenEdge provides separate support for securely downloading and updating the WebClient and its application code over the Internet or an intranet. For more information, see OpenEdge Deployment: WebClient Applications.

Other client platforms potentially involved with OpenEdge SSL servers, including Web service clients of OpenEdge Web services (managed by the WSA) and Web browser clients of WebSpeed, provide their own mechanisms for making SSL connections using HTTPS. For more information, see the relevant platform documentation.