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OpenEdge Change Data Capture Guide
Change Data Capture : Change Data Capture Overview

Change Data Capture Overview

Change Data Capture (CDC) is an industry term that describes the process of duplicating subsets of OLTP data in an external data source with a relatively up to date version of relational data. OpenEdge CDC is an OpenEdge RDBMS feature that identifies and captures data that has changed in tables of a source database, as a result of create, update, and delete (CUD) operations. The OpenEdge implementation of CDC provides a flexible and scalable capture process to facilitate the data extraction, transformation, and eventually the loading of the data to an external data source. This is useful to customers who need to export data to a data warehouse or business intelligence application. The data provided by the capture process exists on the source database and is maintained in relational form.
OpenEdge CDC is flexible because:
*Captured data is maintained in the same database
*Captured data is maintained in relational form
*Captured data is accessible with SQL and ABL
*No changes are required in your application
OpenEdge CDC is scalable because you can define CDC policies such that:
*The amount of data captured is variable by table
*You can capture no data, some data, or the whole record
*You can index the data for easier retrieval
The amount of data captured is controlled through policies defined at the table and field level.
Change Data Capture is a licensed product. It requires either a combination of an RDBMS license (Workgroup or Enterprise) and the corresponding CDC license, or the Advanced Enterprise RDBMS license.