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Application and Integration Services
OpenEdge Messaging and ESB : OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB : AppServer


The AppServer is the OpenEdge facility for the storage and execution of business logic, including OpenEdge services executed by Sonic ESB. For each client request to a service, the AppServer executes the application code, processing the input from the client and returning results and errors accordingly.
Although the illustration in Figure 31 represents the AppServer as a single entity, this is a simplification of the server architecture. The AppServer launches AppServer agents, which run as separate processes controlled by the AppServer broker and actually perform the run time functions. The AppServer often works in conjunction with a NameServer, which provides directory and routing services.
Note that the connection between the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB and the AppServer can be tunneled through an OpenEdge implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to provide AppServer intranet connection security in addition to any security managed by Sonic ESB.
For more information on the AppServer, see Chapter 1, AppServer for OpenEdge Applications on page 1 For more information on secure connections to the AppServer, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Core Business Services - Security and Auditing.