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ABL Essentials
Defining and Using Temp-tables : Using temp-tables in your application : The temporary database for temp-tables

The temporary database for temp-tables

The temporary database for temp-tables is largely invisible to you. You can design and use temp-tables as if they were entirely memory resident, even though the ABL Virtual Machine (AVM) automatically flushes temp-table records to disk when this is necessary. The temp-table database is stored in whatever you have designated as your temporary directory. By default, this is your working directory, but you can change this by specifying a temporary directory with the –T startup option to your OpenEdge session. If you need to adjust the amount of buffer space that the AVM uses in memory before it writes temp-tables to disk, you can use the –Bt startup option to set this size. You can learn more about these and other startup options in OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.