When the OpenEdge Replication agent loses contact with the OpenEdge Replication server, the agent waits for a configured amount of time, known as transition-timeout, for the server to reconnect. If the OpenEdge Replication server does not reconnect before the transition-timeout expires, the target database is transitioned to a normal database by the agent.
For automatic transition to be performed by the OpenEdge Replication agent, the following must be true:
The OpenEdge Replication server property transition must be set to auto.
The control-agent property critical must be set to 1.
The server property transition-timeout must be set to a reasonable value.
You can use the sample properties file in the following figure as a guide.
Figure 11. Source properties file with automatic transition
# OpenEdge Replication properties file for a database that will be used
# as a source database for OpenEdge Replication.
database=your-source-db-name transition=auto
As the previous figure shows, the OpenEdge Replication agent, agent1, waits for connection from the OpenEdge Replication server for 1200 seconds, or 20 minutes, before it performs transition.