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Introducing OpenEdge Replication : OpenEdge Replication terminology : OpenEdge Replication agent

OpenEdge Replication agent

For the OpenEdge Replication server to succeed in keeping the source and target databases identical, it requires that an OpenEdge Replication agent be present on the target database to receive information and perform updates to the target database. The OpenEdge Replication agent process receives configuration and operating instructions from the OpenEdge Replication server, including details about which actions to follow if the connection to the OpenEdge Replication server is lost.
The following figure highlights the OpenEdge Replication agent process in the OpenEdge Replication model.
Figure 5. OpenEdge Replication agent
The OpenEdge Replication agent performs the actual process of updating the target database. The agent:
*Must reside on the target database machine.
*Updates the target database to keep it identical with the source database by using the AI blocks sent from the OpenEdge Replication server.
*Performs a continuous roll forward of the source database activity to the target database.
*Places the target database into Enhanced Read-Only mode, which enforces user read-only functionality while providing the benefits of OpenEdge Replication multi-user access to a database.
For more information about Enhanced Read-Only mode, see EnhancedRead-Only mode.
* Designating a critical agent
* Enhanced Read-Only mode