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Introducing OpenEdge Replication : What happens if there is a database failure : Synchronization between server and agent : If the server detects a communication failure with the agent
If the server detects a communication failure with the agent
After a communication failure with the OpenEdge Replication agent, the OpenEdge Replication server performs a failure recovery process. During failure recovery, the server attempts to recommunicate with the agent or agents that have lost connection with it.
If the failure recovery operation is successful and connection is re-established, the OpenEdge Replication server and OpenEdge Replication agent attempt to synchronize. Once synchronization is complete, normal operations resume.
If the failure recovery operation is unsuccessful, the OpenEdge Replication server removes the failed agent from its list of OpenEdge Replication agents. If all OpenEdge Replication agents fail and connection cannot be established, the OpenEdge Replication server stops. If the server stops, source databases activities continue, however, and AI extents continue to fill.