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Reference : DSRUTIL recovery qualifier

DSRUTIL recovery qualifier

Displays the replication recovery information.


dsrutil db-name -C recovery { server | agent }


The name of the database to perform the action on. The name of the database must be the first argument and must be a valid name.
The replication recovery information for the server looks similar to the following:
Replication version: 4.0
Date created: Wed Oct 26 08:32:58 2005
Date last written: Wed Oct 26 08:33:46 2005

Replication server information:
Number of agents: 1
Number of unused agents: 1
Last modified: Wed Oct 26 08:32:08 2005
Master block update count: 21

Remote Agent information:
Remote Agent 1
Identification: 1
Agent name: agent1
Last AI block acknowledged: area: 14, seq: 3, loc: 4259840, offset: 3189
Last modified: Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005
Last AI block ACK time: Wed Oct 26 08:33:46 2005
Remote agent host: localhost
Remote agent database: ks2
The replication recovery information for the agent looks similar to the following:
Replication version: 4.0
Date created: Wed Oct 26 08:32:57 2005
Date last written: Wed Oct 26 08:34:36 2005

Replication local agent information:
Last Block: Complete
Last block received location: area: 14, seq: 3, loc: 4554752, offset: 0
Last block processed location: area: 0, seq: 0, loc: 0, offset: 0
Last block ACKed location: area: 14, seq: 3, loc: 4259840, offset: 3189
Last block received: no date
Last block ACKed: no date
ID of the last TX begin: 4345
ID of the last TX end: 4345
Time of last TX end: Wed Oct 26 08:33:46 2005
Last AI Extent processed
AIMAGE BEGIN date: Wed Oct 26 08:32:12 2005
AIMAGE NEW date: Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005
After-Image File Number: 3
File Last Opened: Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005
Completly Applied to Target: No
Note that the After-Image File Number is the same number that is returned as Seqno by the following command:
rfutil source-db-name -C aimage list