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Reference : DSRUTIL applyextent qualifier

DSRUTIL applyextent qualifier

Allows you to apply AI extents generated by the source directly to the target database. This is useful when there is a source failure and there are AI blocks in transit between the server and agents.


dsrutil db-name -C applyextent extent-name


The name of the database to perform the action on. The name of the database must be the first argument and must be a valid name.
This extent is provided by the recovery qualifier.
The following requirements exist for using this feature:
*The agent must be in pre-transition state.
*The transition property must be set to manual.
*The source must save AI extents to remote storage that is accessible to the target's agent.
You can determine which extent to apply by using the following command:
dsrutil db-name -C recovery Agent
The information shown here must be used to correctly apply source after-image extents to the target database in the event of a source database failure when the following command is executed:
dsrutil db-name -C applyextent extent-name
In order to determine the after-image extent name using the After-Image File Number supplied, you must do one of the following:
*If the source database is available, use the following command to generate a list of after-image extents for the source database:
rfutil source-db-name -C aimage list
Executing this command produces the following output:
Extent: 1
Status: Full
Type: Variable Length
Path: /vobs_repl/solaris/bin/ks1.a1
Size: 120
Used: 1
Start: Wed Oct 26 08:32:12 2005
Seqno: 1

Extent: 2
Status: Full
Type: Variable Length
Path: /vobs_repl/solaris/bin/ks1.a2
Size: 4728
Used: 4534
Start: Wed Oct 26 08:32:14 2005
Seqno: 2

Extent: 3
Status: Busy
Type: Variable Length
Path: /vobs_repl/solaris/bin/ks1.a3
Size: 4728
Used: 4456
Start: Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005
Seqno: 3

Extent: 4
Status: Empty
Type: Variable Length
Path: /vobs_repl/solaris/bin/ks1.a4
Size: 120
Used: 0
Start: N/A
Seqno: 0
Match the Seqno from this output to the After Image File Number provided by the DSRUTIL recovery output. Apply all BUSY and FULL extents beginning with this extent.
*If the source database is unavailable but its after-image extents are available on a SAN or NAS device that the target machine has access to, you must determine the first after-image extent to apply.
Change to the directory where the source after-image extents are stored, and then execute the following command:
rfutil db-name -C aimage scan -a after-image-extent-name
The command produces the following output:
After-image dates for this after-image file: (1633)
Last AIMAGE BEGIN Wed Oct 26 08:32:12 2005 (1640)
Last AIMAGE NEW Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005 (1641)
This is aimage file number 3 since the last AIMAGE BEGIN. (1642)
This file was last opened for output on Wed Oct 26 08:33:29 2005. (1643)

41706 notes were processed. (1634)
0 in-flight transactions. (3785)
614 transactions were started. (1635)
614 transactions were completed. (11138) At the end of the .ai file, 0 transactions were still active. (1636)
Match the aimage file numbern from this output to the After-Image File Number provided by the DSRUTIL recovery output. Apply all BUSY and FULL extents beginning with this extent.