/* pi-tfx-write-3.p */
/* Populates a temp-table with a subset of Customer records and writes it to an XML file. */ {pi-tfx-parameterVarDefs.i} {pi-tfx-writeSetup-3.i} DEFINE VARIABLE lReturn AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WHERE Customer.CustNum < 4: CREATE ttCustomer. BUFFER-COPY Customer TO ttCustomer. END. ASSIGN cTargetType = "FILE" cFile = "ttCustomer.xml" lFormatted = YES cEncoding = ? cSchemaLocation = ? lWriteSchema = NO lMinSchema = NO. lReturn = TEMP-TABLE ttCustomer:WRITE-XML(cTargetType, cFile, lFormatted, cEncoding, cSchemaLocation, lWriteSchema, lMinSchema). |