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Web Services
Creating ABL Clients to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Handling Errors in ABL Requests to OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Debugging ABL applications that call Web services : Using WSAViewer : Using WSAViewer with an ABL client
Using WSAViewer with an ABL client
To use WSAViewer with an ABL client, you have two options:
*Change the connection parameters in your Web service CONNECT( ) method to send all SOAP messages to WSAViewer. WSAViewer then forwards them to the actual Web service.
*Startup the ABL client using the -proxyhost and -proxyport startup parameters to redirect the SOAP messages to WSAViewer. Specify -proxyhost using the host name where the viewer is running (typically localhost), and specify -proxyport using the port on which WSAViewer listens for SOAP request messages (the listen-port value specified for WSAViewer as shown in the following syntax).
The syntax to start the viewer is the same when working with any Web service as it is when working with the OpenEdge Web Services Adapter (WSA):


wsaviewer listen-portwebservice-hostwebservice-port
The listen-port is the port on which WSAViewer listens for SOAP request messages. The webservice-host is the host name of the Web service and the webservice-port is the host port on which the Web service listens for SOAP request messages.
Suppose you enter the following command line to start the viewer to listen on localhost at port 8080 and pass SOAP request messages to the Web service,, listening on port 80:
wsaviewer 8080 80
You might code your OpenEdge Web service CONNECT( ) method like this:
             -Binding StockQuoteObj
             -SOAPEndpoint http://localhost:8080/application/stockquotes").
The CONNECT( ) method still gets the WSDL file directly from, but all SOAP messages go through WSAViewer on their way to the Web service and back to the client.