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Web Services
Developing a .NET Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Using .NET as your Web services client

Using .NET as your Web services client

To create a .NET Web service client application, you perform a standard set-up procedure at the start of application development.
To create your Web service client application using Visual Studio.NET:
1. Choose a .NET language and create a new project.
2. Add a Web reference for the Web service by specifying the WSDL file location. This automatically creates a .NET interface.
3. Add logic to the client to create interface objects and call interface methods.
Most sections of this chapter use Visual Basic (VB.NET) to demonstrate client development with .NET. Creating .NET DataSets from ProDataSet parameters uses C# instead. Compiling and running .NET applications with Visual Studio is straightforward. .NET compiles the application automatically when you run it from Visual Studio .NET.