Once this method is executed, no other methods on the SubAppObject can be called. The SOAP request header must contain the value of the SubAppObjectID element. If other objects (AppObject or ProcObjects) are sharing the same connection, the connection does not terminate until you call the release method for all the objects sharing the connection.
Call a ProcName method on the SubAppObject to execute a corresponding non-persistent external procedure typically identified by ProcName:
ProcName (...)
The SOAP request header must contain the value of the SubAppObjectID element.
Use this method to create a ProcObject and call the corresponding persistent procedure:
CreatePO_ProcObject (...)
This method must be executed before calling any other methods on the ProcObject. The SOAP request header must contain the value of the SubAppObjectID element. The SOAP response header returned by this method contains a ProcObjectID element whose value must be sent in the SOAP request header for all methods invoked on this ProcObject.