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Web Services
Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Testing and Debugging OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Sample error scenarios : Scenario 3: Web service deployed but AppServer not running
Scenario 3: Web service deployed but AppServer not running
In this scenario, a Web service is deployed, but its AppServer is not running. At this point:
1. The client sends the following connection request:
Connect_Orderinfo("", "", ")
2. The WSA:
a. Receives the request
b. Determines that the AppServer is not available
c. Records the following in its log:
[02/12/11@16:17:27.349-0500] P-000120 T-Thread-11 2 OrderInfo ABL-Provider (reqid:8) Error in SOAP request execution: Connect Failure: Application Service asbroker1 Unknown at NameServer
at Host servicehost Port 5162. (8234) (10926)
d. Sends a SOAP message with a SOAP fault back to the client. The message is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope namespaces defined here…>
      <faultstring>An error was detected … request. (10893)
        <FaultDetail xmlns="http://servicehost:8080/wsa/wsa1">
          <errorMessage>Error in SOAP request execution: Connect
            Failure: Application Service asbroker1 Unknown at
            NameServer at Host servicehost Port 5162. (8234) (10926)
3. The interface translates the SOAP fault into a SOAP exception.
4. The client catches the SOAP exception.
5. The client displays this error message (assuming the client application has a user interface):