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Web Services
Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Sample Code with SOAP Messages for OpenEdge Web Services : Sample Web service specifications

Sample Web service specifications

These examples rely on sample Web service specifications shown in the following table.

Sample Web service specifications

Property or component
Configuration, value, or name
Session model
Note: Some information and examples are also provided to show session-free interactions.
SOAP format
Some of the information presented in these examples provides a review of concepts introduced and described in previous chapters of this manual. Note that some SOAP messages and code samples are edited for brevity.
Client references to the sample VB.NET interface include the following method declarations for these interface objects:
*Interface AppObject, OrderInfo:

VB.NET method declarations on AppObject, OrderInfo

Public Sub Connect_OrderInfo(
       ByVal userId As String,
       ByVal password As String,
       ByVal appServerInfo As String)
Public Function FindCustomerByNum(
       ByVal CustomerNumber As Integer,
       ByRef CustomerName As String) As String
Public Function CreatePO_CustomerOrder(
       ByVal custNum As Integer) As String
Public Sub Release_OrderInfo( )
The FindCustomerByNum and CreatePO_CustomerOrder methods are represented as functions because methods in Doc/Lit WSDLs are always defined to return a value, regardless of whether the procedure defined in ProxyGen is specified to return the ABL RETURN-VALUE. If Return ABL RETURN-VALUE is not specified, the return value for the function will be a null String. For more information, see OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming.

VB.NET method declarations on ProcObject, CustomerOrder

Public Function GetOrderDetails(
       ByRef OrderDetails( ) As OrderDetailsRow) As String
Public Function GetTotalOrdersByNumber(
       ByVal Threshold As Decimal) As Integer
Public Sub Release_CustomerOrder( )
Note: ProxyGen normally configures a Connect_AppObject( ) method with three parameters (string userid, string password, and string appServerInfo). Enabling the Return ABL RETURN-VALUE on Connect option adds the output parameter string result, which contains the return value of the Connection procedure.