When you are finished using any Web service object (except a session-free AppObject), you must invoke the built-in release method to release that object and return its resources for use by other clients.
As with other Open Clients, there is no ABL involved in implementing the release method on an Open Client object. However, for Web services, the operation is an object method is required by the WSA.
Although these methods take no parameters, you must remember to send the object ID for the object you are releasing in the SOAP header of the release request message. How you handle the SOAP header and object ID depends on your client type. For some clients, such as .NET, this process is automated. For other clients, such as ABL and Java, you need to create the code to handle this yourself. For more information on handling SOAP headers and object IDs, see
Handling SOAP Message Headers in ABL and
Developing a Java Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services.
These are sample calls to the release methods declared for the sample Web service: