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Web Services
Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Building Clients for OpenEdge SOAP Web services : Retrieving and sending object IDs: handling SOAP headers : Defining object IDs in WSDL
Defining object IDs in WSDL
The follow sample shows the types section that might appear in the WSDL for many of the sample Web services in this chapter. (This example is for Doc/Lit, but similar for all SOAP formats.) For example:

WSDL Containing an object ID definition

   <schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
      <complexType name="OrderInfoID">
            <element name="UUID" type="xsd:string"/>
      <!-- Additional schema declarations here (if any) -->


   <!-- Additional Object Schema Declarations (if any) -->

Note: The samples in this chapter are not all available on the Documentation and Samples (doc_samples) directory of the OpenEdge product DVD or Progress Documentation Web site.
The WSDL schema definition for each Web service object (except a session-free AppObject) defines the SOAP header element that contains the value of its object ID as a <complexType>. As shown in the example, the name for the SOAP header element is the name of the <complexType>, in this example, "OrderInfoID". The name of the element that contains the value of the object ID is "UUID", defined as an element of type "xsd:string". This definition is the same for the object IDs of all Web service objects, differing only in the name of the object ID element.