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Developing a .NET Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the VB.NET client application : Creating server-side context for a ProcObject (running a persistent procedure)

Creating server-side context for a ProcObject (running a persistent procedure)

To create the context for a ProcObject on the AppServer and run the persistent procedure:
1. Create the ProcObject by invoking the CreatePO_CustomerOrder( ) method on the AppObject:
' There is no communication with the WSA at this time
Dim WS_custOrder As OrderService.CustomerOrderObj
WS_custOrder = New OrderService.CustomerOrderObj( )

' Run the persistent procedure CustomerOrder.p on the AppServer
Note: OrderInfoIDValue is automatically inserted in the SOAP request header by the interface, and the AppObject CustomerOrderIDValue member variable is also filled in automatically by the interface.
2. Copy the ProcObject ID from the AppObject to the ProcObject:
' Save the ProcObjectID in the ProcObject – copy from AppObject
WS_custOrder.CustomerOrderIDValue =