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Developing a .NET Client to Consume OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Developing the VB.NET client application : Creating a SubAppObject

Creating a SubAppObject

To create a SubAppObject:
1. Create the SubAppObject and evoke the CreateAO_Payroll( ) method:
' There is no communication with the WSA at this time
Dim WS_Payroll As OrderService.PayrollObj
WS_Payroll = New OrderService.PayrollObj( )

' Create the SubAppObject
WS_OrderService.CreateAO_Payroll( )
Note: The OrderInfoIDValue will automatically be put into the SOAP request header by the interface, and the PayrollIDValue AppObject member variable is filled in automatically by the interface.
2. Copy the SubAppObject ID from the AppObject to the SubAppObject:
' Save the SubAppObjectID in the SubAppObject copy from AppObject
WS_Payroll.PayrollIDValue =