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Web Services
Creating OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Testing and Debugging OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Using a SOAP message viewer : Configuring and running WSAViewer
Configuring and running WSAViewer
To configure and run WSAViewer:
1. Enter the wsaviewer command from a Proenv shell using the following syntax:
wsaviewer listen-portWSA-hostWSA-port
2. Change the Web service URL in the Web service client to access the WSAViewer. Assume that the original Web service URL in the client is as follows:
In the client, change this URL to use an agreed-upon viewer listening port:
3. To run the WSAViewer, enter this command in the Proenv shell on the WSA machine:
wsaviewer 8081localhost8080
The WSAViewer runs configured to listen for requests from the reconfigured client interface on port 8081 and forward those requests to port 8080. SOAP responses from the WSA, then, move in the reverse direction.
The following figure shows the main window of the WSAViewer when it first opens.
Figure 6. WSAViewer main window
SOAP requests from the client appear in the left-hand viewer and SOAP responses from the WSA forwarded back to the client appear in the right-hand viewer. A continuous stream of requests and responses is recorded that you can review by using the vertical scroll bars.
To configure and run ProSOAPView, see Using ProSOAPView.
ProSOAPView is more general purpose than WSAViewer, and it allows you to trace not only SOAP messages, but also HTTP messages and other document contents exchanged between a client and server. ProSOAPView works as both an HTTP proxy server and an HTTP client that can connect to your choice of another proxy server or the final destination.