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Web Services
ABL Elements for Consuming OpenEdge SOAP Web Services : Attributes, methods, and events for consuming Web services

Attributes, methods, and events for consuming Web services

The following table lists the ABL handle attributes and methods that are either valid only for consuming a Web service or have special application in Web service client programming.
Table 60. Attributes, methods, and events to consume Web services
ABL attribute, method, or event
(SOAP Version 1.1 only) A CHARACTER attribute on a SOAP header-entryref object handle that returns the value of the actor attribute specified in the associated SOAP header entry. Replaced in SOAP Version 1.2 by the ROLE attribute, and assumes the value of that attribute if used in the context of a SOAP 1.2 connection.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header object handle that creates a new SOAP header entry and attaches it to the SOAP header. A specified SOAP header-entryref object handle references the new header entry.
An INTEGER attribute that:
*On a server object handle, returns the number of active asynchronous requests submitted to this Web service.
*On a procedure handle, returns the number of currently outstanding asynchronous requests for this procedure object. Can be nonzero only if the PROXY and PERSISTENT attributes are both set to TRUE.
A LOGICAL attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that indicates if the asynchronous request was cancelled using either the CANCEL-REQUESTS( ) method or the DISCONNECT( ) method on the associated server handle.
A LOGICAL method on the server object handle that:
*Terminates the socket connection to all currently running asynchronous requests for this Web service and raises the STOP condition in the event procedure context for each such request.
*Purges the send queue of any asynchronous requests that have not yet been executed for this Web service.
A CHARACTER attribute on the server object handle that returns the connection ID for the connection associated with this server handle. For Web services, this is the empty string.
A LOGICAL attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that indicates if the asynchronous request is completed and its result is processed on the client.
[ , userid]
[ , password]
[ , appserver-info] )
A LOGICAL method on the server object handle that logically connects (binds) and associates a Web service to the server handle. All method parameters except the connection-parameters parameter are ignored for a Web service.
A LOGICAL method on the server object handle that returns TRUE if the handle is currently bound to a Web service.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that deletes the underlying SOAP header entry and all of its content, but does not delete the SOAP header-entryref object used to reference the deleted header entry.
A LOGICAL method on the server object handle that disconnects from and removes all reference to the Web service currently associated with the server handle. Any running or pending asynchronous requests to the Web service submitted by this client are also cancelled.
A LOGICAL attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that indicates that an ERROR condition was returned as a result of processing a Web service request.
An attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that returns an object reference to an instance of a class that implements Progress.Lang.Error.
A HANDLE attribute an the ERROR-STATUS system handle that references the SOAP-fault object for any Web service request that returns a SOAP fault that is trapped using the ABL NO-ERROR option.
A CHARACTER attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that contains the name of the internal procedure to be run as the event procedure for this asynchronous request.
A HANDLE attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that contains the procedure handle of the active procedure context where the event procedure for this asynchronous request is defined.
A HANDLE method on the server object handle that returns the first entry in the list of all current asynchronous request handles for the specified Web service.
A HANDLE attribute on the server object handle that references the first procedure object associated with the Web service port type bound to this server object.
A HANDLE attribute on the SESSION system handle that returns the handle to the first entry in the chain of server handles for the session, including server handles for Web services.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header object handle that associates a specified SOAP header-entryref object handle with a specified entry in the associated SOAP header.
A LOGICAL method that:
*On the SOAP header-entryref object handle, returns a handle to an X-noderef object that is the root node of a DOM tree containing the parsed XML for the underlying SOAP header entry.
*On the SOAP fault-detail object handle, returns a handle to an X-noderef object that is the root node of a DOM tree containing the parsed XML for the underlying SOAP detail information.
A LONGCHAR method that:
*On the SOAP header-entryref object handle, returns the XML for the underlying SOAP header entry in serialized form.
*On the SOAP fault-detail object handle, returns the XML for the underlying SOAP fault detail information in serialized form.
A HANDLE method on the server object handle that returns the last entry in the list of all current asynchronous request handles for the specified Web service.
A HANDLE attribute on the server object handle that references the last procedure object associated with the Web service port type bound to this server object.
A HANDLE attribute on the SESSION system handle that returns the handle to the last entry in the chain of server handles for the session, including server handles for Web services.
A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that returns the unqualified part of name specified for the associated SOAP header entry element.
A LOGICAL attribute on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that returns the value of the mustUnderstand attribute specified in the associated SOAP header.
A CHARACTER attribute that:
*On a Web service server object handle, returns the name of the Web service for use in the OpenEdge Application Debugger. By default, this name is set to the URL of the Web service.
*On a Web service procedure object handle, returns the name of the port type in the WSDL file that specifies the Web service operations encapsulated by this procedure object. This is also the value of portTypeName in the RUN portTypeName statement used to instantiate this procedure object.
*On a SOAP header object handle, returns the qualified name of the SOAP header ("namespacePrefix:HEADER", where namespacePrefix is usually "SOAP" or "SOAP-ENV").
*On a SOAP header-entryref object handle, returns the qualified name of the SOAP header entry ("namespacePrefix:localName").
A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that returns the namespace URI prefixed to the associated SOAP header entry element's name.
A HANDLE attribute that:
*On an asynchronous request object handle, returns the next entry in the list of asynchronous request handles for asynchronous operation requests submitted for the same Web service.
*On a Web service procedure handle, returns the next entry in the list of all procedure objects bound to the same Web service port type.
*On a server object handle, returns the next entry in the list of all server handles created for the current ABL session, regardless of subtype (see the SUBTYPE attribute).
An INTEGER attribute on the SOAP header object handle that returns the number of entries attached to the SOAP header.
A LOGICAL attribute on procedure handles that returns TRUE for a procedure object associated with a Web service.
A HANDLE attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that returns the handle to the procedure object for the specified asynchronous Web service request.
A HANDLE attribute that:
*On an asynchronous request object handle, returns the previous entry in the list of asynchronous request handles for asynchronous operation requests submitted for the same Web service.
*On a Web service procedure handle, returns the previous entry in the list of all procedure objects bound to the same Web service port type.
*On a server object handle, returns the previous entry in the list of all server handles created for the current ABL session, regardless of subtype (see the SUBTYPE attribute).
The event returned for an asynchronous request object handle that indicates the associated Web service request has completed execution and, as a result, causes execution of the event procedure as specified by the EVENT-PROCEDURE and EVENT-PROCEDURE-CONTEXT attributes.
A CHARACTER attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that provides the name of the Web service operation executed to instantiate this asynchronous request handle.
A LOGICAL attribute on procedure object handles that is TRUE if the procedure handle references a procedure object associated with a Web service.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A CHARACTER attribute on a SOAP header-entryref object handle that returns the value of the role attribute specified in the associated SOAP header entry. Replaces the ACTOR attribute used in SOAP 1.1.
A HANDLE attribute that:
*On a procedure object handle, returns the handle to the Web service server object with which the procedure object is associated. Valid only if the PROXY and PERSISTENT attributes are both TRUE.
*On an asynchronous request object handle, returns the server handle of the Web service where this asynchronous request was invoked.
(SOAP 1.1 only) A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that sets the value of the actor attribute in the underlying SOAP header entry. This method completes and returns TRUE only if there is an underlying SOAP header entry (XML) associated with the object handle. Replaced by the SET-ROLE method in SOAP 1.2.
A LOGICAL method on the procedure object handle that associates a specified internal procedure with an ABL callback. For Web services, the two supported types of ABL callbacks, include:
*"REQUEST-HEADER" — SOAP request header callback
*"RESPONSE-HEADER" — SOAP Response header callback
The internal procedures associated with these callbacks provide access to the SOAP headers of the request and response messages sent for all the Web service operations encapsulated by the procedure object.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that sets the value of the mustUnderstand attribute in the underlying SOAP header entry. This method completes and returns TRUE only if there is an underlying SOAP header entry (XML) associated with the object handle.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that replaces the header entry referenced by this SOAP header-entryref object with a specified DOM sub-tree (parsed XML) that is assumed to represent a SOAP header entry element.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that sets the value of the role attribute in the underlying SOAP header entry. This method completes and returns TRUE only if there is an underlying SOAP header entry (XML) associated with the object handle. Replaces the SET_ACTOR method used in SOAP 1.1.
A LOGICAL method on the SOAP header-entryref object handle that replaces the header entry referenced by this SOAP header-entryref object with serialized XML that is assumed to parse into a DOM sub-tree that represents a SOAP header entry element.
A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that contains the value of the faultcode attribute for the SOAP fault, which identifies the fault.
A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that contains the value of the faultstring attribute for the SOAP fault, which provides a human-readable description of the fault.
(SOAP 1.1 only) A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that contains the value of the faultactor attribute for the SOAP fault, which is a URI that identifies the Web service returning the fault. Replaced in SOAP Version 1.2 by a combination of SOAP-FAULT-ROLE and SOAP-FAULT-NODE.
A HANDLE attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that references the SOAP fault-detail object, which contains application-specific error information.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that returns the list of fully qualified names of SOAP headers, if any, for which mandatory processing (as designated by the SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand attribute) failed.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that returns the URI of the SOAP node that generated the SOAP-fault object, if available. In combination with SOAP-FAULT-ROLE, replaces the SOAP-FAULT-ACTOR attribute used in SOAP 1.1.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that contains the value of the faultrole attribute for the SOAP fault, which is a URI that identifies the Web service returning the fault. In combination with SOAP-FAULT-NODE, replaces the SOAP-FAULT-ACTOR attribute used in SOAP 1.1.
(SOAP 1.2 only) A CHARACTER attribute on the SOAP-fault object handle that returns the list of fully qualified sub-code names for the SOAP-fault object.
A CHARACTER attribute on the server object handle that returns the version number of the SOAP connection current.
A LOGICAL attribute on the asynchronous request object handle that is set to TRUE, if the asynchronous request was executing when the client invoked a CANCEL-REQUESTS( ) method.
A CHARACTER attribute that returns the subtype of a handle. For a server object handle, this is:
*"WEBSERVICE" — For a server object bound to a Web service
*"APPSERVER" — For a server object bound to an AppServer
The default value for an unbound server object handle is the Unknown value (?).
A CHARACTER attribute that returns the handle type, which:
*On a server object handle is "SERVER"
*On a procedure object handle is "PROCEDURE"
*On a SOAP header object handle is "SOAP-HEADER"
*On a SOAP header-entryref object handle is "SOAP-HEADER-ENTRYREF"
*On a SOAP-fault object handle is "SOAP-FAULT"
*On a SOAP fault-detail object handle is "SOAP-FAULT-DETAIL"
*On an X-document object handle is "X-DOCUMENT"
*On an X-noderef object handle is "X-NODEREF"
*On an asynchronous request object handle is "ASYNC-REQUEST"